Our Centre

Our Centre Philosophy

Our child care centre’s philosophy is based on:

  • The child’s needs and interests.
  • Professional commitment in providing quality care to all children.
  • Acknowledging the importance of the family and it’s influence on the child’s development.

Our program is designed to foster self-esteem, self-confidence, competence in self-help skills and those inner controls and language abilities necessary for effective social interaction.

Children are guided to question, experiment, think and to reason, to help children develop into self confident, caring, competent individuals.
We encourage emotional development through verbal expressions of thoughts and feelings, the experience of rules, limits, kindness, justice and empathy, recognising and accepting emotions in others, so as to develop a respect for others.

We encourage the physical development of gross motor skills through outdoor and indoor games and activities, as well as fine motor development through the use of manipulative toys, blocks, puzzles and other tools and objects. We encourage interest in language through stories, puppetry, home corner and it’s equipment, music games, science, drama, problem solving and other conversations. We encourage development of responsibility for one’s own actions in self-help, health, safety and interpersonal areas and to exercise appropriate independence.

We encourage social development by providing opportunities for sharing, taking turns, making friends, resolving conflicts, solving problems, helping others, recognising and accepting others, cooperating on projects and building self esteem. We seek to provide a healthy, physically safe and emotionally secure environment, where there is acceptance, respect, caring and appreciation of each child.